Renamed: Platform/Stokers Halt
29 Hibernia Street
County Down
BT18 9JE

By far the best theme bar we have seen, this was formerly the Railway Bar, and still is in everything but name, because its design is perfectly like that of a railway station. Even the outside front door is shaped like a railway carriage, and as you enter, there’s the man sitting at the ticket window.

The snugs are totally convincing replicas of train carriage compartments, down to the luggage racks and emergency cords. Stand out on the platform, and an ingenious use of mirrors shows you a full train of about twenty coaches standing at the station.

All around you is the paraphernalia of the railway scene – a sign saying TO THE TRAINS, a porter’s trolley, luggage, a Victorian post box, cast iron station roof trusses, train timetables, the station-stop name HOLY WOOD JUNCTION, and the wooden slatted platform seats. There’s even an actual STOP signal.
Visit the waiting room and warm yourself at the cast iron stove as you wait for your train, or drink, to arrive, and you won’t be surprised if you hear the guard’s whistle.

In the public bar there’s the Left Luggage and Cloakroom area and the traditional wood paling fence of the old railway station. Four superb Rowel Friers colour drawing of railway scenes, and a fine collection of 1930s railway equipment cigarette cards await your inspection.

The mirror plating features a train, and even the beer advertisement is for Great Western Bitter.
Whether you sit in the lounge carriages, the public bar, or the splendid upstairs function room with its genuine Victorian marble fireplace, when the end of the evening comes it’s not “Time please” you’ll expect to hear, but “All aboard please”.

Carmichael’s is your next stop, for a good head of stout or a good head of steam!