Cast your mind back 10 years. The Fish quay of North Shields could be a terrifying place. Dark, dank, untidy and rundown….but my goodness it had some great pubs. The Porthole, The Prince of Wales, The Lowlights. 

Not the was like a halfway house for people recently released from jail. 

Then the council chucked money at it, and old buildings became apartments, the Porthole became an architect office. The chippys and fishmongers closed and made way for fusion food places.

The latest addition to the area is the Salt Market, which used to be a salt warehouse next to The Prince of Wales. Originally, it was due to open earlier this year but it has been in limbo due to residents’ concerns about noise, disruption and house prices.

Thankfully, it has been given the go-ahead as it tries to mimic the success of the Boilershop in town.

Obviously residents are not happy about the noise (it’s next door to The Prince of Wales anyway), drunkenness (it’s next door to the prince of Wales).

These are the type of people who complain about seagulls (it’s by the sea), the smell of fish (it’s by the sea), foghorns (it’s by the sea) and sea air (it’s by the sea). 

One councillor even objected to it on the basis it could hold far-right rallies (I’m serious) and cats and dogs would start living together (I’m joking).

Full details of the den of iniquity which is hastening societal breakdown are available here.