‘Bigg Market With A Roof’ – The Gate – is going  through a bit of a renaissance of late, with Eden (a heaven theme pub), Wunderbar (a Cunt theme pub), and now the former Sam Jacks is to be turned into The Mayfair.

For those who haven’t heard of the iconic venue, simply  say ‘Mayfair’ three times in a mirror while back-combing your hair, an overweight fifty-something in an ill-fitting Iron Maiden  t-shirt will appear and regale you with tales of how amazing it was and how ‘The Scene’ is not what it used to be. 

The owners intend the new Mayfair  to live up to its ‘heritage’. God knows what that means  as I can’t see the new venue putting on live music, playing rock music or letting ‘sweaty Goffs’ in.